Sculpted Appetite

Osteria La Buca

Italian X New 'Merican

Pasta lovers, rejoice! There’s a spot in town that’s guaranteed to be a hit amongst everyone. Okay, so let me start by saying I’m very picky when it comes to pasta. A lot of it leaves me unimpressed due to similar flavor profiles that lack real initiative to derive something flavorful out of a limited amount of ingredients. In the case of Osteria it seems that quality has met taste and I’m all for it.

I’ve now been here several times to say which items are a must-try for my food lovers out there. The Brussels sprout appetizer is a big stand out. Crunchy, savory, and even a little gooey with its delicious poached egg served on top. The pasta selections here are amazing, with my personal favorites being the bolognese and the cavatelli. Rich in flavor and quality, the pastas here are guaranteed to make lasting impressions that’ll last a while.

Eating or starved?